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Reach Metric

Learn about the metric that will indicate the potential views a post may receive

Rodrigo Araujo avatar
Written by Rodrigo Araujo
Updated over a week ago

The Reach metric indicates the potential number of views that a mention from your alert may receive. You will have access to the reach metric across multiple areas of your Mention platform.

Within Mention, the Reach metric will appear as a number that will help you identify the popularity of a website or social media account. Depending on your monitoring use-case, you can use the Reach metric to understand the impact of mentions in your Feed:

  • If you are conducting brand monitoring, the reach metric will help you identify major publications or social media accounts that are mentioning your brand. You can use Reach along with the Sentiment metric to verify the perception of your brand online.

  • If you are conducting competitive monitoring, you can use the reach metric to compare the influence of your brand versus your competitors online.

  • If you are monitoring a campaign, you can use the reach metric during and after a campaign to identify press-hits from major outlets and to evaluate the performance of your strategy.

In this article, we will provide you with information about the Reach metric to help you understand how it works and where to view it in your account. Here is the agenda:

Let's begin!

Types of Reach

Depending on the Source, Mention will calculate reach in different ways. In order to provide you with an accurate representation of potential viewership, we offer the following types of reach in your account:


Direct Reach: Direct Reach refers to the potential views of a specific post. Mentions from social media will display direct reach in order to show you the impact of the specific social media account that posted the content.

🧠 Example: Let's say you received a mention from Twitter in your Feed. When you open the Twitter mention, the reach number will indicate how many potential viewers will see the specific tweet.


Domain Reach: Domain Reach will display the potential audience size of a website on their domain level. Mentions from the web (news, blogs, etc.) will display domain reach in order to show you the number of potential viewers who would see the web posting.

🧠 Example: Let's say you are reviewing a Report and you notice a mention from The New York Times website. The reach number will indicate the potential audience size of their entire website.


Cumulative Reach: Cumulative Reach is simply the total sum of direct reach and domain reach from your mentions. This type of reach is just a way to display the Reach number in some of your graphs and data exports.

🧠 Example: Let's say you created a Reach Bar Chart in your QuickChart with mentions from Facebook, Twitter, News, and Blog sources. In this chart, the reach number is the cumulative reach of your mentions from different sources.


📖 If you would like to learn more about how Reach is specifically calculated for each source, check out this article: How Does Mention Calculate Reach?

Sources with Reach Data

Mention will provide Reach for mentions from these sources:

  • Web: Domain Reach of the website

  • News: Domain Reach of the website

  • Blogs: Domain Reach of the website

  • Forums: Domain Reach of the website

  • Twitter: Direct Reach of the Twitter accounts

  • Facebook: Direct Reach of the Facebook pages

  • TikTok*: Direct Reach of the TikTok page

  • Pinterest*: Direct Reach of the Pinterest account

  • YouTube*: Direct Reach of the YouTube channel

⚙️ TikTok, Pinterest, Linkedin, and YouTube mentions are only available on the Company Plan.
⚙️⚙️ Instagram reach is available on mentions gathered from April 12th, 2024 to the present. IG reach is not fetched for monitored pages

Mention does not fetch Reach for the following sources:

  • Videos

  • Radio & TV in US & Canada

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIN

Reach in the Mention Platform

In this section, we will go over where the Reach metric appears and how you can engage with it depending on the Mention feature you are accessing.

Mention Feed:

The Mention Feed will display reach for social media mentions. To view reach, you can can open a mention from your feed and the number will appear at the bottom.

⚙️ The Feed does not display mentions from web sources at this time. To view Reach from web sources (news , blogs, forums, etc.), please head over to the Influencer Table, QuickChart, or Reports.


Influencers Dashboard:

The Influencers Dashboard will display reach for Twitter or Web mentions if the data is available. The Influencer Dashboard will have a dedicated column for reach:



The QuickChart will display reach for any source that fetches this metric. In the QuickChart, you can create a graph dedicated to the Reach metric:

⚙️ For some of these graphs, you will see cumulative reach which is the total sum of reach for your sources. If you would like to view the reach of specific sources, please use the Filters menu to specify the data points that interest you.



Mention Reports will display the reach metric in a variety of different ways depending on the Report you create. Here is a breakdown of the reports that can display reach:

  • Listening Reports / Comparative Reports: Mention will automatically provide a reach graph and reach list for your data.

  • Mentions List*: The List will display the Reach number next to the mentions.

  • Custom Report*: You have the option of creating Reach graphs for your reports manually.

⚙️ The Mentions List and Custom Reports are only available on the Company Plan.



When you export data from Mention, you will also receive the Reach data in your export if it is available in your Mention account. Within your export, you will see designated columns that divide your reach by direct, domain, or cumulative. This will make it easier for you and your team to identify the potential audience size of the content from alerts.

Thank you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].

We also encourage you to check out this article for Reach: How Does Mention Calculate Reach?

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