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Explore the Mention Dashboard

Review the performance of your Mention account through the Dashboard.

Rodrigo Araujo avatar
Written by Rodrigo Araujo
Updated over a year ago

The Mention Dashboard will provide you with an overview of performance for your entire Mention Account using dedicated modules for each feature that is available in your subscription. You can review these metrics at any time before accessing your Feed, Publish, Report, or Analytics tools.

In this article, we will teach you how to access the Dashboard and go over each module that is available. Here is the agenda:

Let's begin!

Tutorial Video

For specific information about each module, please review the sections below!

Access & Filter your Dashboard

The Mention Dashboard will be the homepage that appears every time you login to your Mention account. You also have the option of access the Dashboard by clicking on the Mention Logo on at the top of your navigation bar:


Once the Dashboard is open, you will see some configuration buttons at the top of your page. This is where you can:

  • Select the alerts that you want to review in the dashboard

  • Select the time period that you want to review for your modules

Your Dashboard will update in real time to display the configurations you have in mind.

💡 Mention Tip - Saved Filters

By default, the Dashboard will have all of your alerts selected and will display information from the last 30 days. You can change these filters and Mention will save your configurations in the Dashboard.

⚙️ The filters you choose will only affect some modules in your Dashboard. Here is a breakdown:

  • The Alerts Selected filter will only adjust the following modules:

    • Last Mentions

    • Volume of Mentions

    • Positive / Negative Alert Sentiment

  • The Time Period filter will only adjust the following modules:

    • Last Mentions

    • Volume of Mentions

    • Positive / Negative Sentiment

    • Last Report

    • Top Post

Now that you have access to the Dashboard, we will begin to go over each of the modules.

Alert Modules

In your Dashboard, you will have 5 modules dedicated to your Mention Alerts. These modules will appear at the top of your Dashboard and you can interact with them in different ways:

Here is a breakdown of the modules and how they work:


Quota Module

This module will show you the consumption of your Mentions Quota. You can use this module to track how many mentions you have left in your current quota cycle and identify if any alerts are consuming too much data at a rapid pace.

If you click on this module, you will be brought to the Quota page in your Account Settings where you will be able to review the consumption of alerts and add a quota limit to specific alerts.

⚙️ If you are on a Pro or Pro Plus account, the Quota Module will only appear for Administrators on the account. Users and Guests will not have access to this graph.


'Recent Mentions' Module

The 'Recent Mentions' module will display a list of recent mentions using the filters you have set in your Dashboard. This module will provide you with a glimpse of content that you are receiving from your alerts.

If you click on a mention from this module, a side panel will appear with a full preview of the mention. Once you are done reviewing these mentions, we recommend accessing your Feed to see the full list of mentions you are receiving across all of your alerts.


'Number of Mentions' Module

The 'Number of Mentions' module is a number graph that will tell you the total number of mentions you've received from the alerts you and time period filters you have selected. This module will help you understand the total quantity of Mentions in your Feed.

If you click on this module, you will be instantly brought to your Mention Feed where you can review all of your mentions from multiple alerts.


'Positive Sentiment / Negative Sentiment' Modules

The Positive and Negative sentiment modules will provide you with the sentiment of the alerts that you are reviewing in your Dashboard. You can use these modules to review the perception of the topics you are monitoring and identify if there is a crisis emerging.

If you click on one of these modules, they will bring you to the Mention Feed where you can review your mentions. In the Feed, Mention will use a green dot to indicate positive mentions and a red dot to indicate negative mentions.

Analytics Module

Near the Alerts Module, you will have a dedicated module for your Mention Reports:

The 'Last Report' will display the name of the report that was most recently edited by you or a teammate. You can click on this module to open the Report and review the metrics.

Publish Modules

As you scroll through your Dashboard, you will see the modules dedicated to Publish and Respond. With regards to Publish, you will have 5 modules that will provide you with an overview of your social media publishing calendar:

Here is a breakdown of the Publish modules:


'Social Networks' Module

The 'Social Networks' module will provide you with the number of connected social accounts in your Mention platform. This module will display the total number of connected accounts as well as a breakdown of connected accounts by social media platform.

If you click on the +Add Account button, a pop-up will appear with the option to connect a new social media account to your platform.

⚙️ The Social Networks module is a general module that will apply to Publish and Respond. In order to access these two features, you must connect your social accounts to Mention.

💡 Mention Tip - Review the List of Social Accounts

If you would like to review the list of accounts that are already connected to Mention, please head over to your Account Settings page and click on the Social Accounts tab. Here, you can review and manage your list of accounts.

The Social Accounts tab is only available to Administrators and Users on Mention.


'Published / Scheduled Posts' Modules

The 'Published Post' and 'Scheduled Post' modules will provide you with a quick overview of your Publish usage on Mention. Here, you can see the total number of posts you've shared through Publish and you can see the number of scheduled posts you have queued for the near future.

If you click on the 'Published Post' module, you will be brought to the Content Calendar and Mention will open the preview of your most-recent post. You can engage with the post by reviewing the post analytics.

If you click on the 'Scheduled Posts' module, you will be brought to the Content Calendar where you can review any posts that are published or scheduled in your account.


'Top Post' Module

The 'Top Post' module will display the number of impressions from your most popular published post through the Mention. Here, you can see the performance of this post before you review content from your Calendar.

If you click on this module, you will be brought to the Content Calendar and Mention will open the preview panel of the published post. From there, you can click on the post analytics to review all of the metrics fetched to your account.


'Pending Post' Module

The 'Pending Posts' module will indicate if you have any social media posts that need to be approved for your Content Calendar.

If you click on this module, you will be brought to the Approval Workflow tab in your Publish tool. From there, you can review the posts and approve or deny them.

⚙️ If you are on a Pro or Pro Plus account, the 'Pending Post' Module will only appear for Publish Moderators. If you are not a Publish Moderator, please ask one of your Administrators to change your role.

📖 If you do not have the Approval Workflow activated in your Publish tool, you can check out this article for more information: Review and Approve Social Media Posts for Publish

Respond Module

In your Dashboard, Mention will also provide information regarding Respond. If you are using Respond, you can use the 'Unread Conversations' Module to review the number of unread messages in your inbox:

If you click on the 'Unread Conversations' module, you will be brought to your Respond inbox where you can reply to direct messages from social media.

💡 Mention Tip - Social Networks Module:

At this time, Respond supports Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. You can use the 'Social Networks' module to review the number of connected social accounts or connect new accounts for Respond.

We hope the Mention Dashboard provides clarity on the data that your alerts are fetching! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] or your dedicated Account Manager.

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